
Delight Your Tastes and Senses

There’s nothing better than a delicious herbal-fruit infusion and fresh cake. Let’s celebrate our time. Let’s indulge our senses and palates. Such a set will always improve our mood.

Recipes straight from Grandma’s kitchen.

Recipe Book

The story unfolds like steam from the brew.

We remember from childhood how grandmothers used to tell us stories. Today, when we have less and less time for ourselves. When social gatherings are replaced by chat meetings. Visits to grandma’s have become a rarity. Let’s remind ourselves how beautifully grandma’s stories sparked our imaginations. What was their scent? What was their aroma?

We heartily recommend the tea time book. A light story is as valuable an addition to the fragrant brew as lemon or honey.

Here is the GRANNY’S SPECIALS library. If you have your favorite books, let us know?